Thursday, December 27, 2007

White Lovers

This type of lovers

* stands in the side of light, trust and purity


* Easy going, straightforward

Purple lovers

This type of Lover

* royalty, unique, one of a kind and special. In Hebrew word for purple, argaman represents the initial of angels in Jewism aspects


* special, mystery and sentimental

Yellow Lovers

This type of Lover

*stands in the edge, belong to the best or the worse.they make good peacemakers and negotiator


* getting involves in any talks is their trade, able to not get involve in a fight and one who can survive at all tides.

Blue Lover

This type of Lover

* colour stand in the side of heaven, one whom filled with prudence and goodness


*likable by most people, being able to blend well with people and one who has an iron-will

Red Lover

This type of lover

*stand in the light of fire and many claimed red as a symbol of Mar, the firestone,excited and driven in life and attractive


*extremely attractive person in lifestyle, confidence and a outgoing person

Green Lover

This type of lover

* stands in the light of nature. homey, someone filled with simplicity in life and one who is socially active


*Great teamwork provider.motivated and unselfish one

Black Lover

This types of lovers

* stands in the side of darkness. Secretive and romantic in nature


* approachable by selective one, a well-spoken and organised person but don't oftenly revealed.